Richfield, Utah is hosting a very special and unique softball tournament on June 22nd & 23rd, 2012.  It is going to be the most amazing mix of softball celebration and the fight for life, for a truly amazing young man, “Jaren Barney,” that the softball world has ever witnessed.

            There are going to be Men’s teams and Co-ed teams of every class and divisions within divisions which will enable every team and every player the opportunity to compete for prizes and fun through the entire event and in the end know that all the proceeds will help Jaren receive the liver transplant he so desperately needs to continue his journey here upon this wonderful earth which we all live.

            The community is coming together for the tournament and “Jaren’s cause” with an effort that could be seldom equaled.  The projection is for over 80 teams and hundreds of fans, supporters and celebrities which will all enhance the scope and magnitude of the tournament. 

            As an organizer of softball tournaments for over 30 years, including the nationally renown, Rooster Valley Super Softball Classic, myself and my committee are committed to make this the most memorable softball tournament of all time. 

            We feel that you and your team's name, reputation and support will add to the quality and excitement of the “Glory Days Softball Tournament” and will help bring a promising young athlete and a great young man the hope of a fruitful future in this great world and country that we live in.

  Sincerely yours,
J. Rick McEwen
Organizer of the Glory Days
Softball Tournament

See a Picture of Jaren | Jaren's Story                                            

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For more information or help call Rick or Amy McEwen at (435) 896-4016
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